If you need a bit of help making the most of the Paycom app, you’re in the right place! We’ve compiled a list of helpful tips regarding some questions our users may have.
Need help logging in?
- Where do I log in?
- How can I change my username or password?
- I forgot the answers to my security questions. Can Paycom retrieve them for me?
- What steps does Paycom take to secure my account against unauthorized logins?
- If my phone number has changed or is no longer in use, can you help me log in?
- I work for two companies that use Paycom. Can I use both accounts?
General Questions
Other Helpful Tips
Employee Self-Service®
Data Privacy Requests
To read our full data privacy policy, you can click here.
A data privacy request is for personal information only. This excludes any questions related to login issues or requests for information unrelated to privacy.