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HR Myths: Training and Onboarding Can Only Happen in Person

Historically, the onboarding and training of new employees have traditionally taken place at the office, in person. With many companies forced to adopt remote work environments during 2020’s challenging year, HR professionals saw one of their biggest myths unintentionally busted: Training and onboarding can only happen in person.

While many companies extended remote work policies into 2021, employers continue to update their processes to be flexible and better meet the evolving needs of their organization and employees. However, one of the biggest hurdles companies face with virtual onboarding is how to safely gather sensitive information from new hires. In a December 2020 survey conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by Paycom, only 18% of office workers said their company used HR software to sign up for benefits! This means 82% signed up for benefits by emailing a digital form or manually completing paper documents, potentially exposing them to a host of security issues as a result of sharing sensitive information.

Many HR departments still use paper forms for employee tasks like benefits enrollment, performance reviews or even recording bank account information during the onboarding process. This is not an effective or efficient way to gather information. Processes like these caused nearly 67% of employees surveyed by OnePoll to report they don’t believe their company prioritizes digital transformation.

After the candidate experience, onboarding and training represent a new hire’s first real peek into an organization’s processes and how it truly operates. Think of it as a first impression: You wouldn’t want new employees’ excitement to turn into frustration after their first training as a result of outdated HR tech, right? As it stands, 77% of employees are frustrated with antiquated technology that takes up unnecessary time and resources.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Virtual training and onboarding can be a breeze with an efficient HR platform that allows new employees to manage their direct deposit information and new hire training all in one easy-to-use system accessible with one password.

Employees and employers stand to benefit from a simple onboarding process that can be completed anywhere. According to Ernst & Young, the processes of onboarding, training and benefits enrollment provide the greatest opportunities for achieving efficiencies through self-service tech and maximizing their ROI. New employees can bypass the mountain of paperwork traditionally waiting for them on their first day by self-onboarding (or even preboarding) and entering their own information remotely, which increases data accuracy and reduces tedious tasks for HR.

With the right technology, companies can automate and modernize their training and onboarding processes, leaving their new hires impressed, not stressed, their first day on the job.