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How Inefficient HR Processes Weigh Your Employees Down

You may not realize your current HR data management processes aren’t working, especially if you’re doing things the way you’ve always done them, despite updating your technology. When you’re using inefficient HR processes, your employees may take the brunt of the frustration, but their annoyance bears results any employer would feel: lower productivity, morale, engagement, retention and profits.

You likely know you need better technology to automate your processes, and you wouldn’t be alone. PwC found 76% of executives plan to allocate more resources to digital transformation in 2021. A recent survey commissioned by Paycom and conducted by OnePoll revealed 67% of employees feel like their company doesn’t sufficiently prioritize updating its technology. But simply improving technology isn’t the complete answer.

The problem includes the process

When a paper filing system is replaced with a spreadsheet, or even a new data management system, the problem still exists. The issue is the process itself, not just the outdated technology. To make real change in your organization, you need to question the processes you have.

With employees so comfortable using app technology in their daily lives, they want to use it for work, too. However, some companies still require employees to write their bank information on a paper form that either needs to be handed, scanned or faxed to HR. When was the last time you physically went to the bank to cash or deposit a check?

Direct deposit is one small example of all the different HR processes that can weigh employees down; others include time sheets, performance reviews, time-off requests, expense submissions and more.

Not only are these outdated processes an unsecure way for information to be shared, they’re also a huge waste of time. From the employee writing information by hand to HR inputting that information into their system without transposing numbers, the opportunity for mistakes increases with every manual step.

Accuracy over redundancy

Using antiquated methods like this also creates redundancy. More than one person has to be involved with data entry — increasing the opportunity for errors exponentially. Businesses and HR departments need a better way, and we’ve already mentioned it: transforming the workplace digitally. According to Deloitte’s 2021 HCM Trends Report, 61% of business and HR executives will focus their thinking around such transformation in the next three years — up from 29% before COVID-19.

When you embrace a digital transformation — not just new tech — and update inefficient processes, you’ll know employee data is secure and accurate, while saving your employees an incredible amount of time and frustration.

The time is now to make a change. With the right technology, you can automate processes, lightening the load of your HR team and empowering employees to own the information they know best their own.

Paycom is powerful enough to transform your business and easy enough to be used by employees of all levels. What are you waiting for? Request a meeting now to see how Paycom can help.