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How Executives Can Protect Their Business With Beti®

Key Takeaways

  • The cost to replace an employee — like one who leaves over a payroll error — is 150%-200% of the former talent’s salary.

  • Beti® automatically finds payroll errors, then guides employees to fix them before submission.

  • An aviation company went from spending over 3 days in payroll to just 4 hours.

  • Beti works seamlessly with other Paycom tools in our single software, keeping your payroll processes streamlined and efficient.

Your employees don’t just work to get paid — they work to get paid correctly. And every payroll error they endure is a black mark on their experience that compromises their quality of life. It’s no wonder 51% of employees would look for a new job if they suffered any payroll errors.*

Mistakes don’t just harm employees, too. Payroll problems chip away at the bottom line due to costly, last-minute corrections, like:

  • voids
  • reversals
  • wire transfers
  • rushed paper checks

According to Ernst & Young, fixing the average payroll errors costs a company $291. Plus, businesses using an outdated payroll process — one that doesn’t automatically find errors and lead employees to resolve them before submission — can expect a 20% error rate.

The process doesn’t have to be this way with Beti®, Paycom’s employee-driven payroll tool. Here’s how:

How does employee-driven payroll work?

Employee-driven payroll is a tool that empowers employees to do their own payroll. It doesn’t mean HR isn’t involved in the process or that employees can adjust their hours and salary as they see fit.

Instead, it helps employees prevent the costly errors that impact revenue and retention before payroll ever runs. No one knows their pay better than your people, which is why they should be able to make sure it’s right without having to suffer a delayed or incorrect paycheck.

“Beti is a part of our infrastructure,” said the president of an aviation company, “Every CEO in America should use it.”

*An August 2021 survey of 1,870 U.S. adults conducted by The Harris Poll and commissioned by Paycom.

To learn more, download the How Executives Can Protect Their Business With Beti® infographic.

Key Takeaways

  • The cost to replace an employee — like one who leaves over a payroll error — is 150%-200% of the former talent’s salary.

  • Beti® automatically finds payroll errors, then guides employees to fix them before submission.

  • An aviation company went from spending over 3 days in payroll to just 4 hours.

  • Beti works seamlessly with other Paycom tools in our single software, keeping your payroll processes streamlined and efficient.