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Behind the Badge: Kayla’s Story

Kayla J. | May 30, 2024

Now in her eighth year at Paycom, Kayla is a supervisor in the accounting department, overseeing both the revenue accounting and accounting resolution teams. She’s seen a lot of change at Paycom. And in her different roles, she’s not only watched change happen, she’s been an active participant!

We caught up with Kayla to learn more about her Paycom journey and her day-to-day experience as a leader over two different teams in Paycom’s accounting department.

A recommendation from an old friend

I went to college with someone who already worked at Paycom. We had the same major in school, and at the time, he was in PSD (Paycom Services Department). We were both very strong in communications, and he thought that PSD was something I would be interested in.

On his advice, I began my journey in an admin role in PSD, and I did that for several months before I realized that I wanted something a little bit more challenging. Then I moved to the client support specialist role and was always kind of interested in leadership. From there, I became a team leader.

Growth was always part of the plan

My leaders have been really great about supporting my growth. As soon as I expressed interest in either moving around or moving up, they helped with those things, whether that’s pulling me into meetings where I’m just listening to see how things work or connecting me with education they think might be useful.

I’ve had leaders here who say, “Hey, I saw this course that we have in continued education that I think would be really good for you,” or “We’ve got some special projects that are a bit more high level,” and then they let you step in and see how those things work. Having leaders who are willing to put in the time to foster has been very important. And I’ve been very lucky to have several leaders who have done that for me.

This part of the culture is something that has kept me at Paycom. I’ve always wanted a challenge. I never wanted a job where you’re just doing the same thing over and over again.

Paycom is growing. We’re progressing, evolving — all of those things. That has always been really enticing to me.

What’s my next Paycom goal? I’m living it right now! I just got promoted to my current supervisory role, and that was one of my big goals: to reach the supervisor level. There are different processes within this team, so my current goal is learning all of those, but mostly supporting my team and my team leaders who now report to me.

The best perks have growth in mind

Our organization is committed to improving, and having an HR department that is staying up to date on what’s important to employees has been helpful, too. When it comes to perks, those $4 lunches got me, but the employee stock purchase plan has also been really great. When I started here, I didn’t really know how stocks worked. Once I started diving into that a little bit more, seeing how that actually works was really a huge help for our family. We live out in the country, and being able to have that stock enabled us to build a house and not be in a ton of debt, so that has been incredible.

Paycom is also a great environment for working parents. The paid parental leave was big for us, and it’s definitely not something that’s very common in this area.

As a leader, I’m also passionate about making sure we are being flexible and making it as easy as possible to be a working parent because it has its challenges. There are some days where you are literally running on three hours of sleep and just doing your best to get by, so I want to make sure we’re offering as much support as possible.

Everybody makes a difference

One thing I stress to my teams is that every single thing we do plays into the client experience.

We want to make sure we’re supporting our own people internally so they can serve the client as best as possible. So just making sure we understand that we all play a piece in this puzzle is very important to me.

I also love the fact that no matter what position you’re in, you get to have a say in our processes. Seeing that we love feedback and we’re willing to use that feedback to make things better is big because I’ve had previous employers where you can say all you want but nothing ever changes. Being able to play a part in change is very exciting!

You always hear people say, “The only constant at Paycom is change,” but it’s true. We’re constantly progressing, constantly getting better. The upward movement is very exciting for me.

If you’re interested in growing as a professional in an organization that’s excited to grow with you, apply to Paycom today!

About the author
Author picture, Kayla J.
Kayla J.
Kayla is the supervisor of both the revenue accounting and accounting resolution teams within Paycom’s Accounting department. Her teams are responsible for making sure clients are being charged correctly and finalizing the billing for any client that transitions from Paycom. She was born and raised in Meeker, Oklahoma. Kayla is a graduate of the University of Central Oklahoma where she earned a degree in organizational communication. Outside work, she loves spending time with her husband and two sons and is a self-professed podcast girl, always catching up on the latest in comedy and true crime.